God designed us for community

In a growing church it’s easy to blend in and miss out on meaningful connections. Life Groups provide a space for us to connect and share our lives with others.

Through Life Groups we:

  • Become and make disciples of Christ.
  • Encounter God through worship, His Word, and prayer.
  • Build friendships and form bonds
  • Care for one another through the ups and downs of life.
  • Share the good news of Jesus Christ while living a life that bears testimony to His Kingdom.


As part of a Life Group, you will worship together, dive into meaningful discussions around God’s Word, uplift each other in prayer, navigate life’s ups and downs as a supportive community, have fun together, and serve together to share the love of Jesus within the church and surrounding communities.

Life Groups typically meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, for about two hours, in either someone’s home or at the church. Children’s activities are provided at the church during most group times.

Ready to connect to a group? Here are a few easy ways to get connected:

  • Fill out a connect form for your primary campus and someone from our staff will follow up with you.
  • Visit the Welcome Desk in the foyer on Sundays.
  • Talk to someone you know who is in a Life Group and ask if you can visit their group.