We aren’t meant to go through the ups and downs of life alone. God wants us to pray with each other about the struggles and pressing circumstances we all face at some point in life. Here are some ways you can share your request with our leadership:
- ONLINE via the button below.
- WRITE your request on a connect card and drop it off at the Welcome Desk in the foyer on Sunday.
- CALL our church office, at 870-247-3300, to speak with a leader.
- IN PERSON during the Sunday service.
I’m New Here
If you’re new to Family Church and looking for ways to connect with our church community, here are some next steps you can take.
Connect Card
We would like to know a little bit about you, and we would like to tell you more about our church community. Fill out a connect card online or at your local campus. A leader from your local campus will follow up to answer your questions, pray for you, or help you connect to the various ministries here at Family Church.
Speak to a Leader
If you would like to schedule some time to speak to a campus pastor or elder contact our church office at 870-247-3300.
Join a Life Group
God designed us for community. In a growing church it’s easy to blend in and miss out on meaningful connections. Life Groups provide a space for us to connect and share our lives with others. For more details, visit our Life Groups page.
Attend a New Member Lunch
Throughout the year your local campus will host an informal lunch where you will meet with church leaders to discuss our culture, beliefs, and what it means to be a member of Family Church. Lunch and childcare are provided. To sign up for the next new member lunch, check the list of events below or stop by the Welcome Desk in the foyer on Sunday.
Connect with a Ministry or Serving Opportunity
No matter what season of life in your in, we have ministries available for everyone. Check out the various ministries we have available at Family Church and get plugged into one today.
We believe God gave each of us talents and abilities to help build His Kingdom through serving in different areas throughout His church, including weekend services, kid’s/student ministries, and events.
In addition to our weekly services and bible studies, Family Church hosts a variety of Christ-centered events throughout the year.
Prayer Requests
We aren’t meant to go through the ups and downs of life alone. Share with us how we can pray for you.